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Navigating the Justice System

Have you ever tried to navigate the criminal or civil justice system on your own? If you have there’s a good chance it felt overwhelming and the piles of paperwork, legal jargon, and the seemingly never-ending process left you feeling alone and on the verge of giving up.

Did you know CASA understands that the complicated legal process can be a major barrier to survivors of domestic violence finding freedom from their abusers and that we’ve put multiple new programs and positions in place to help?

Over the last year CASA has expanded its Criminal Justice Advocate Program housing three full-time Advocates in the criminal courtroom. In addition, we now have three Injunction Attorneys and a Paralegal at CASA who are prepared to fight for your injunction case and stand with you in the civil courtroom. All of these services are free of charge to survivors regardless of income status.

Having a trusted individual with you in a place as intimidating as the courtroom can give you the boost of confidence you need to stand with your head held high and face your abuser. While your mom or best friend are great options for moral support, CASA advocates can provide you with emotional support in addition to arming you with the critical information necessary to navigate the criminal justice system and find the best path to safety. Did you know that CASA advocates and attorneys have legal privilege which means your interactions with them are 100% confidential?

Since expanding our programs in 2019 we have helped over 350 survivors navigate the criminal court and our attorneys have handled 269 injunction cases.

“Before CASA my abuser was never held accountable for his actions. If it weren’t for my CASA advocate helping me provide the court with the necessary information or making sure I was aware of each next step, I truly don’t believe he would’ve plead guilty. My advocate gave me the strength to face my abuser in the courtroom and stood next to me the whole time. I don’t know if it was my advocates intention but it was almost as if she positioned herself as a barrier so my abuser couldn’t see me or intimidate me on the stand.”

CASA’s trained advocates are here to help whether your case is new or ongoing. Call and schedule a confidential appointment at 727-895-4912.

Criminal Justice System Flow Chart

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