You can make an immediate difference in the lives of domestic violence survivors by making a financial contribution today.
Volunteers keep our organization moving forward. Your time spent at CASA is based on your schedule, your interest, and your expertise.
We can end domestic violence
Take a stand for survivors who need the support of their strongest community members. Help us build a foundation for the thousands in Pinellas County who may be suffering in silence. If we say it loud enough together, survivors will hear our voices and find safety in our services. Donate or volunteer to Stand Up to Silence today.
Donate to the Cause
Your donation helps CASA maintain services, outreach, counseling, and shelter. Our shelter served more than 200 victims of domestic violence in 2017.
Did You Know
Casa serves men and women of all genders, ages and ethnicities
In 2018, Pinellas County had 6,829 reported incidences of domestic violence.
11 humans and 4 pets were victims in a domestic violence murder by their abusers in Pinellas County in just 2018 alone.
Of the last 145 fatalities, only 14% of the victims had contact with a domestic violence center.
Pinellas County has a 51% higher rate of reported offenses than in Hillsborough…. and actually had 429 more offenses than Hillsborough even though that county has 400,000 more people. Whether due to better reporting or a more severe problem, there is more stress put on agencies working on domestic violence issues.