October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic violence agencies and advocates across the globe will stand united in solidarity with survivors this month.

In Pinellas County, survivors of domestic violence are not safer at home. Pinellas County ranks 5th out of 67 counties for most domestic violence cases in Florida, and calls to CASA’s 24-hour hotline have increased by 25 percent. Throughout the pandemic, we have witnessed the power of community action firsthand as we all banded together to help one another. YOU can continue to do so this month by Please know that by sharing information & raising awareness with our media toolkit.

Below are downloadable, sample social media posts, a signature line graphic, zoom background, brand video, and more!

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Use our Sample Captions

Don’t forget to use our handle and hashtags when making posts! @casastpete #StandUpToSilence #ViolenceStopsWithMe

Sample Caption 1: Domestic violence numbers have spiked during the pandemic, and with this increase, there is an increased need for people to speak up about this issue. I am a friend of survivors. I believe survivors when they speak up, I support them even when they cannot. Domestic violence stops with me. Are you a friend of survivors? Join me in pledging that violence stops here! 

If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse, call CASA’s 24-Hour Hotline (727) 895-4912 | TTY: (727) 828-1269.

Sample Caption 2: Domestic violence doesn’t discriminate. It affects people from every race, socio-economic background, age group, gender identity, religion, and sexual orientation. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 7 men experience violence in their lifetime. We all know someone who has experienced violence. It could be our neighbor, our roommate, our cashier, our teacher, it could be anyone. That’s why I pledge that I will #StandUpToSilence and say that violence stops with me! Will you join me in the pledge? Please visit www.casapinellas.org to learn more.

If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse, call CASA’s 24-Hour Hotline (727) 895-4912 | TTY: (727) 828-1269.

Sample Caption 3: The epidemic of violence in our community affects everyone, right down to children and pets! Thankfully, organizations like CASA exist to serve people and pets who witness or experience violence. I stand in solidarity with survivors, and this month—Domestic Violence Awareness Month—I’m using my voice to say that violence stops here. It stops with me, with you, with our community. Want to help? Visit www.casapinellas.org/donate, and donate today.

If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse, call CASA’s 24-Hour Hotline (727) 895-4912 | TTY: (727) 828-1269.

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Mission: Challenging the Societal Acceptance of all Forms of Domestic Violence, CASA Stands up to Silence through Advocacy, Prevention, Intervention, and Support Services.

Vision: A Society Free From Domestic Violence.

CASA provides free & confidential services to adults, children, and pets affected by domestic violence, such as:

· Emergency Shelter

· 24-hour Emergency Hotline

· One-on-one confidential support

· Crisis Counseling

· Safety Planning

· Lethality Assessment

· Support Groups

· Help Navigating the Criminal Justice System

· Teen Dating Violence Assistance (with parent or guardian consent)

· Access to Mental Health Resources for children &families who have been exposed to domestic violence

· Rapid Rehousing Program Referral

· Connection to Injunction for Protection Project Florida Bar Attorney

· Prevention Education for Adults & Children

This past year, CASA has:

  • Served 1,249 survivors through administration, outreach, batter accountability, child welfare, and justice services and programs.
  • Gave over 461 survivors a safe place to call home through our Rapid Rehousing and Transitional Housing programs.
  • Provided safety for 501 adults and children at our shelter.
  • Provided 19,451 nights of safety at our shelter.
  • Sheltered 30 pets at our on-site kennel.

Want to learn more about our DVAM Campaign and our Violence Stops Here Partner Directory?

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